The Director

Wolfram Lenssen from Düsseldorf is a director, scenographer, media and lighting designer, choreographer and author.
He stages people, spaces, architecture, landscapes and passages of time. Since the 1990s he has been traveling internationally with more than 1,200 productions, performances, chorographies and installations in the various worlds of performing arts.
His trademark: distinctive, interdisciplinary and multimedia, performative art experiences.
These immersive art experiences earned him many invitations to international art festivals: Fetes des Lumieres, Lyon – Festival of Lights, Berlin – STARO, Riga – Fortress Lights four years in a row, Koblenz – Light Festival two years in a row, Essen – LUX, Helsinki – Luminis , Sweden – Eze en Lumieres, Cotes d’Azur – three years in a row GLOW, Eindhoven.
The images from his productions attracted international media attention: “Kicks and Balances” as part of the Football World Cup in Germany, 2006 – Thirteen years in a row “Illumina” Schloss Dyck, Jüchen – The central opening of the Capital of Culture year at the Zollverein World Heritage Site in Essen 2010 – “FLORIADE” World Expo, three-month light production, Venlo, 2012 – “Colours of Joy” the multimedia production from the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin 2014 – “All the pictures are already there” Opening of the Ruhrmuseum, Zollverein colliery and coking plant, Essen, 2015 – “Carolus” the interactive dance performance in the Kaiserpfalz World Heritage Site in Ingelheim, 2016 – “Moving Green” the central production of the Green Capitol of Europe in Essen, 2017 – “Illumina” the opening of the Ruhr Festival in Recklinghausen, 2019 – “10 years in a flash” ten years of the Capital of Culture at the Zollverein World Heritage Site, Essen, 2020